PCデータ ( No.59 ) |
- 日時: 2015/10/10 00:04
- 名前: KK ID:N5kM8A7o
- キャラクター投下。スペルはまだ調整すると思います。
盗賊道具は持ってますが、習熟は無いです。 後衛のサポート役として広く浅く立ち回るコンセプト。 馬に乗ってますがあくまでフレーバーで、騎乗戦闘は考えていません。 Revivify用の資金提供可です。
名前:Nonoth Krause 種族/クラス:HALF-ELF/BARD 背景:SAGE 信仰:Milil
AC:15 イニシアチブ:+4 移動速度:30' HP:45=(8+1)+(5x6)+(1x6) HD:7D8
能力値: STR 8 (-1) DEX 16 (+3) CON 12 (+1) INT 14 (+2) WIS 10(0) CHA 18(+4)
セービングスロー:DEX、CHA STR -1 / DEX +6 / CON +1 / INT +2 / WIS 0 / CHA +7
技能(●は習熟): ●Acrobatics (Dex): +6 ○Animal Handling (Wis):+1 ●Arcana (Int): +5 ○Athletics (Str): 0 ●Deception (Cha): +7 ●History (Int): +5 ○Insight (Wis) :+1 ○Intimidation (Cha) :+5 ●Investigation (Int):+5 ○Medicine (Wis): +1 ○Nature (Int): +3 ●Perception (Wis): +6 ●Performance (Cha): +7 ●Persuasion (Cha): +10 ○Religion (Int): +3 ●Sleight of Hand (Dex):+6 ●Stealth (Dex): +7 ○Survival (Wis): +1
特性/特徴: Race: Darkvision:60' Fey Ancestry: Advantage against charm effect. Immune to magical sleep.
Back Ground: Researcher
Class: Spell casting ability, Bardic inspiration (4/rest), Jack of Trades, Song of Rest: +1d6 / for 1 or more HD consumption while rest Bard College: College of Lore Bonus Proficiency Cutting words Additional magic secrets:+2 spells from any class's list Expertise:Persuasion, perception Ability Score Improvement (at LV4):Cha,Dex = No Feats Font of Inspiration, Counter Charm
習熟 Armor:Light Weapon:Simple, hand cross bows,longswords, rapiers, shortswords Tools:3 musical instruments/ Lute, Flute, Drum Skills: 3(from class), 2(From race), 3(from Bard College) Arcana, History(from Back Ground)
言語:3(from Race), 2 (From Back Ground) Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Goblin, Orc
攻撃と呪文能力 Shortbow +1 / +7 / 1d6 + 4 pierce Rapier(Silvered) / +6 / 1d8 + 3 pierce Dagger(Silvered) / +6 / 1d4 + 3 pierce
Spell Casting Ability :CHA / Spell Attack Bonus:+7 / Spell Save DC:15
Cantrips / Vicious Mockery, Mage Hand, Light 1LV spells (4) / Sleep, Dissonant Whispers, Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire, Heroism 2LV spells (3) / Shatter, Lesser Restoration, 3LV spells (3) / Speak With Dead, Fire ball, Dispell Magic, Counter Spell 4LV spells (1) / Dimension Door
装備: Rapier (Silvered), Shortbow +1,Quiver x2, Arrows 40, Dagger (Silvered), Lute, Studded leather armor, Component pouch, Milil's holy symbol (Amulet), Clothes (traveler's),
Thieves Tools, Entertainer's pack, Explorer's Pack,
Potion of Healing x2, Antitoxin x 2, Holy water x2, Oil x 2,
Riding horse, Riding saddle, Saddle Bag, Bit and Bridle,
Parchment x 10, Ink pen, Ink, hourglass, Mess kit, Chalk, Chain (10'), Lock, Mirror sealing wax, signet ring, pole(10')
所持金 約24GP