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[4] 【W-04】「エ〜ゴでD&D! ITTAI DO-NARU QUEST」 準備スレッド
日時: 2016/08/21 06:10
名前: PI-TG001(ヒラヲカ) ID:4sHIGye.

【W-04】「エ〜ゴでD&D! ITTAI DO-NARU QUEST」 準備スレッドです。




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Nice Idea! 皆さん何か設定等でアイデアありましたらー ( No.45 )
日時: 2016/09/26 19:23
名前: DMヒラヲカ ID:BylFDysw

Okay, I thought about the idea.
The NPC is your character's older cousin.

Originally the dwarf NPC are supposed to go somewhere after the adventure
on the scenario.
But, if players like to go with him, I can arrange the scenario a little.

Originally, you guys are in the small town and just got ready for journey there...for each character's own reason.

In the beginning of the story, you guys are in the inn.
Then, Jasper see his cousin by chance.
When you tell him the reason to be there, The NPC ask you guys to help.

There is my idea.
Anybody, is it okay?

Thanks for a idea!

And the dwarf NPC is LV2 fighter with a great axe.
So you can rely on his strength a little.

If anybody have an idea, feel free to bring!!


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