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[6] 【10-06】 九層地獄へ潜りませう 準備スレッド
日時: 2015/07/06 23:23
名前: DACWebスタッフ ID:HGa3O2wg


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メイジベイン ( No.66 )
日時: 2015/09/11 20:33
名前: Samwise ID:Hdzc8zs6

秘術大全(Complete Arcane)では
> Against any creature with arcane spells currently prepared or spell slots
> available to cast arcane spells without preparation, or against creatures
> with the ability to use arcane spell-like abilities, a magebane weapon’s effective
> enhancement level is 2 better than normal
という記述だったものが、Magic Item Compendiumでは
> Against any creature that can cast arcane spells or use invocations (CAr 7),
> a magebane weapon's enhancement bonus is 2 higher than normal.

世間を騒がせた"arcane spell-like ability"ってなんやねん? という疑問に、それはInvocationのことだと解答が出た感じです。

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